Monday, August 17, 2009

It Happens Every Year

It's almost time to go back to work for me which probably means I'll have even less time to add entries to my blog. (I'm so diligent about keeping up with it and all.) The kids' school supplies are purchased and I'm busy trying to get things organized for my own classroom and I feel like I'm running out of time.

I started my morning workouts again and it actually felt really good. My heel isn't killing me which is definitely a step in the right direction (no pun intended). I'm signed up for AMP'd again in the fall and it looks like they are incorporating kettle balls this time---that is pretty cool. I'm anxious because I've gained a lot of weight back after dealing with this plantar faciitis so I'm happy at the prospect of getting my body back into shape. Not being able to work out like I used to has put me into a sort of depressed funk (if that is such a thing).