Sunday, April 22, 2007

A New Kind of Therapy

Hello, World! You've been waiting for me, haven't you? Thanks for being so patient. I've always dreamed of having my very own audience and now that I have you, I'm not quite sure what exactly it is I'm going to do with you. I have all of this useful (and admittedly, not so useful) knowledge flying around in this head of mine and apparently I need an outlet--so my therapist tells me.) Seriously, I don't have a therapist, well, I did see one once, and she must have been phenomenal because I consider myself CURED and have never gone back.

So, I'm a thirtysomething married mother of two from somewhere in Northeast Wisconsin. I'm also a middle school English teacher (no fair looking for or pointing out any spelling or grammatical errors--nobody is perfect!) My biggest pet peeve is people who lack of common sense and I have this intense feeling that several of my posts could be centered around that. I have a mile long list of classroom and educational system pet peeves which I may share some day (but I'll have to refrain from mentioning the school district in which I'm employed for obvious reasons). You should know, though, that until now I often held conversations with myself in front of my bedroom and bathroom mirror and in my car (and when you look over at me, I try to pretend I'm on the phone or just singing along to my Barry Manilow Greatest Hit's CD. (I own several. That is a topic for another day in the near future.) This is another reason why I feel I need to be here, with you, my audience. Hmmm...maybe it's time to call that therapist again.

In the words of Steve Hartman, "Everybody has a story" and until recently, I was very fearful of the day when his dart would unwittingly steer itself directly to my town on his big map of the United States where he would proceed to flip through the Fox Cities phone book and scroll through pages and pages with his finger until he stopped at my last name. (I know, I know, it's about as likely as me winning the lottery.) Honestly, I never thought I had one--a story, not a last name. Lucky me, I do. I realize it now, and through these blog pages, you will get to experience it with me. Lucky you.