Thursday, July 23, 2009


With the exception of marriage...I have a difficult time commiting to things. I will not accept an invite to something I'm only half-heartedly intersted in because, well, something better may come along or more honestly---I may not feel like attending the event at the time.

Apparently, I cannot even commit to keeping up a blog! My last two posts were over two years ago. That is so sad! As a wife, mother, daughter, sister, teacher, friend, and neighbor---there is only so much time in the day to give and I need to keep some for myself and sometimes I don't realize I need to do that until the very last minute. (I'll talk more about that I feel like it.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I also have committment issues and am comforted that others have them, too. Committment-phobes enjoy knowing others are out there. Too many people have high expectations that we cannot live up to so I don't even try!

Glad to read your blog!